The SGL Blog

Kids and Building Credit

Posted Wed Oct 28, 2015

For those of us who have children or grandchildren, we should give them the best possible start towards establishing their credit and educate them on the correct ways of building and maintaining an excellent credit score. Having the ability to build credit at a young age is very important and helping them take action early on can increase their chances of being ahead of the curve. You may now be asking yourself, “So where do we begin?” “When is the […]

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The Decision to Trust

Posted Tue Oct 06, 2015

We’ve all heard the words “Trust me!” from someone before. As humans, we want to be able to trust others. It is not always easy to know who you can trust but that control lies within ourselves. Trusting each other is a part of us all biologically and it is an essential element of social reality. The elements of control, confidence, risk and power all play a role in the decision to trust another human being, which is why so […]

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Preparing for Emergencies

Posted Tue Sep 22, 2015

If disaster were to strike, would you know it’s coming? Have you prepared for the worst or developed a backup plan? If you haven’t already, you should be considering these questions. Unfortunately, unforeseen events don’t come with a warning and having a plan in place can protect you and your loved ones. Many of you have probably heard of Doomsday Preppers. These individuals build bunkers, store hundreds of gallons of water in barrels and hundreds of pounds of rice in […]

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Working for Retirement

Posted Thu Sep 03, 2015

For those of us who truly love what we do, it doesn’t feel like work. For those who don’t enjoy what they do, it can feel like being stuck on an exhausting hamster wheel, just going around and around. There could be several reasons that motivate you jump out of bed, start the pot of coffee and head to your job. For many of us it all comes back to one common goal that we all have in mind—retirement. While […]

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Is Your Estate in Order?

Posted Tue Aug 25, 2015

The topic for this week says it all. Is your estate in order? Now, you may be scratching your head asking yourself just what that really means. If so, you are not alone. When you ask yourself, “Is my estate in order?” you are really asking, “Will my spouse know what to do when I’m gone?” “Will my children know what to do when both me and my spouse are gone?” “Will my assets get tied up in probate?” “Will […]

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Fears of Retirement are Not Uncommon

Posted Wed Aug 05, 2015

You’re not alone if you’re scared of the unknown for your future. Throughout the years I’ve met many people, talked about their personal financial situations and listened closely to their concerns and questions about retirement. The most common concern I’ve dealt with is fear. Fear is not an uncommon subject when it comes to finances. People are worried and they do not have the security they need or deserve. Here are some of the most common fears of retirement. 1. […]

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Client Login Portal(s)

Posted Fri May 01, 2015

Since we commonly receive questions from clients about what portals they should log in to, we wanted to spend some time to outline the options available to you to access your accounts. We currently support a few different log in options, so be sure to choose the one that is most appropriate for you. All online account access links are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year (unless unavailable for any unplanned maintenance or […]

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