The SGL Blog

The Greatest Knockouts of Finance

Posted Tue Mar 15, 2016

Let’s face it, from the Silent Generation to Generation Z, we’ve seen some of the biggest knockouts of financial history. Remember watching the boxing match, Super Fight II, between Muhammad Ali and Joe Frasier? It was an exciting time and an exciting bout. Although when the stock markets collapsed, we as Americans didn’t feel that same excitement. We felt as if we were the ones being knocked on our behinds and stumbling with wobbly knees. We took a lot of […]

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Dirty Secrets of the Super Bowl

Posted Wed Feb 03, 2016

With the big game just a few days away I am already getting excited! Super Bowl 50 is surely going to be a fun one as the Denver Broncos go head to head with the Carolina Panthers for the championship. It’s as if you can feel the energy from every football fan in America! Whether you’re planning your annual Super Bowl party at home or making reservations at your favorite sports bar, here’s some dirty secrets that you can share […]

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The Lottery Winner’s Do’s and Don’ts

Posted Mon Jan 18, 2016

If you woke up last week a little disappointed that you didn’t win the record $1.5 Billion jackpot, you aren’t alone. You had a higher chance of getting struck by lightning twice, spontaneously combusting and a meteor falling on your head, yet a few people out there still managed to beat the odds. Most people like myself, can only dream of winning the lottery and will continue to keep on wishing. But for those lucky individuals who’ve cashed in their […]

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The Resolution

Posted Tue Jan 05, 2016

We make them, fake them and then we break them. The New Year is like the big red “Easy” button. It’s the time when you are able to start fresh, start over, set a goal or change something that you’ve been sweeping under the rug for some time. Did you know that, roughly 45% of Americans make a New Year’s resolution and only 8%-10% fully commit to making those resolutions? That means your chances of keeping a New Year’s resolution […]

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Caution! ‘Tis the Season!

Posted Mon Dec 21, 2015

Homes are glistening with lights, boulevard trees shine with exuberance, and the sound of carolers echo the familiar tunes. It’s a warm, wonderful feeling. And you are part of it enjoying the hustle and bustle, looking for that ‘special’ gift in almost every store, spending time with loved ones, embracing every moment of the joy that abounds. The holidays are a special time. And while you focus on the holiday spirit, others are focused on you, but for a very […]

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How Disco Changed the Economy

Posted Tue Dec 15, 2015

As you well know, we are going through a period where some major events, mostly negative, are changing and shaping the way our world will work in the future. The other day I found myself thinking about the past and how all the events that I remember, mostly negative again, helped shape the world we live in today – war, assassination, market collapses, reigning Presidents, nuclear threats and, as you know, that list goes on and on. And then I […]

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Money Can Buy You Freedom But Not Happiness

Posted Tue Dec 08, 2015

The words Money, Freedom and Happiness all play a big role into your overall quality of life. Money is intrinsically linked to freedom, but not necessarily happiness. As ironic as it may seem, people that have all the “wants” in the world can be some of the most unhappy individuals out there. Everyone has their own individual perception of happiness, but when you get down to the core of it all, if you have nothing besides money, one will never […]

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The Bully Proof Retirement Plan

Posted Mon Nov 30, 2015

Let’s face it, retirement for most people is a big financial unknown. Will we run out of money, will we have big health emergencies and expenses, will market losses reduce my income and lifestyle, will my income rise with inflation, will taxes eat up my income, are just some of the issues that retirees face day to day. That’s a lot to deal with and, in many ways, these are very much like the bully we met when we were […]

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Congress vs. Social Security

Posted Mon Nov 09, 2015

Many of you may not have heard about the new changes that will affect the strategies used to claim and maximize Social Security benefits. For those of you who have heard, you may feel unclear in your understanding of what this all means, why it is happening, and how it could potentially derail part of your retirement plan. Because these new changes can most certainly impact your overall plan, I’d like to take a moment to give you a better […]

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