SGL Radio

Love It or List It – Fitting Your Home Into Your Retirement Plan

Posted Fri Sep 11, 2020

Our 2 Cents – Episode #047 Love It or List It – Fitting Your Home Into Your Retirement Plan We get a lot of questions about how the house (or houses) fit into retirement plans. From downsizing, to rental properties, to interest rates, today we explore some of the top retirement questions as it relates to all things housing. Should I pay off the house as soon as possible or pay it off slowly? Is it wise to downsize to […]

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5 Financial Rules of Thumb Debunked!

Posted Wed Sep 02, 2020

Our 2 Cents – Episode #046 5 Financial Rules of Thumb Debunked! Just like your iPhone or computer can become obsolete and need to be replaced, sometimes the way people think about retirement planning and investing is obsolete and needs to be replaced. On today’s show we talk about some outdated financial rules of thumb that people still cling to, and more current, modern alternatives to use instead. The 4% Rule The 10-5-3 Rule Moving stocks to bonds when you […]

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7 Steps to a Secure Retirement

Posted Fri Aug 14, 2020

Our 2 Cents – Episode #045 7 Steps to a Secure Retirement On today’s episode we feature another one of our popular “Deep-Dives,” where we spend more time digging through a singular topic on the show! Today, that topic is 7 Steps to a Secure Retirement. What’s the real power of having a plan? Peace of mind, financial security, and creating a future for you and your family that you can count on. But to accomplish that, you don’t want […]

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What’s in a Mid-Year Plan Review? And What’s the Big Deal With Longevity Risk?

Posted Thu Aug 06, 2020

Our 2 Cents – Episode #044 What’s in a Mid-Year Plan Review? And What’s the Big Deal With Longevity Risk? Life happens, things change, goals shift, and as a result, so should your financial plan. On today’s episode we expand on our topic from last week about why it’s so important to have your Mid-Year Plan Review and precisely what you should be including in that review. After that we dive into a detailed discussion of Longevity Risk, or what’s […]

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Better Cash Alternatives & Protecting Yourself from Financial Scams

Posted Fri Jul 31, 2020

Our 2 Cents – Episode #043 Better Cash Alternatives & Protecting Yourself from Financial Scams Should you be stuffing the ole’ mattress with cash? Whether in the mattress or in your checking account, today we give some insight on alternatives to keeping your money in cash—where it earns 0%… zip, zero, nada. Additionally, we dive into some headlines and Gabriel & Steve give advice on how to avoid being a victim to scams such as “Hackers seize popular Celebrity Twitter […]

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Overcoming Sticker Shock – Paying for Financial Advice & Capital Gains

Posted Thu Jul 23, 2020

Our 2 Cents – Episode #042 Overcoming Sticker Shock – Paying for Financial Advice & Capital Gains On today’s episode we discuss the value and benefits of having a financial advisor and, if you’re unused to paying a fee for advice, overcoming what may feel like fee “sticker shock” when hiring a financial advisor (and why it’s still very much worth it!). We’ll also discuss whether to pay those pesky capital gains in your portfolio and diversify, or just keep […]

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Two Classic Planning Blunders to Avoid – Confusing Tax Preparation vs. Tax Planning & Taking Extra Risk to Makeup For Lost Time

Posted Fri Jul 17, 2020

Our 2 Cents – Episode #041 Two Classic Planning Blunders to Avoid – Confusing Tax Preparation vs. Tax Planning & Taking Extra Risk to Makeup For Lost Time There are two classic planning blunders to avoid at all costs. The first blunder is confusing tax preparation with tax planning. You may think that your CPA is providing “tax planning” for you, but the reality is he/she is probably not! The second blunder is taking on too much risk to make […]

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Election-Year Investing Ideas, “Corona Purchases” & Getting to Know Steve & Gabriel

Posted Thu Jul 02, 2020

Our 2 Cents – Episode #040 Election-Year Investing Ideas, “Corona Purchases” & Getting to Know Steve & Gabriel We’ve got a really fun show lined up for you this week! With the upcoming November election just four months away, what “money-moves” should you be making today to best be prepared? Also, what in the world is a “Corona Purchase?” On today’s show we discuss a range of great topics, and even more importantly, we give you, our listeners, an opportunity […]

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If You Meet These 5 Milestones You Might Be Ready to Retire

Posted Fri Jun 19, 2020

Our 2 Cents – Episode #039 If You Meet These 5 Milestones You Might Be Ready to Retire There’s a formula for everything, even knowing when you’re ready to retire. Here are five questions to ask yourself before you retire: Are you confident in your budget? Can you control your spending? Do you have a solid emergency fund? Have you paid off all of your debts? Do you have “enough” to retire? Setting your retirement date can be exciting, but […]

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