The SGL Blog

Unlocking Tomorrow: Mastering Retirement Income Planning Today

Posted Wed Sep 27, 2023

Planning for retirement is about more than just accumulating assets during your working years. It’s about crafting a comprehensive strategy to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle in your golden years, experiencing financial security late in life, and leaving a lasting legacy for future generations.  A major component of retirement planning is tied to the income you will need to live the life you deserve. While most people are focused on saving for retirement during working years, determining exactly how much you […]

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Your Ideal Tomorrow: The Power of a Custom-Tailored Retirement Plan

Posted Mon Sep 18, 2023

If you want to update your retirement plan or are starting your planning efforts, this blog is for you. Creating a custom-tailored retirement plan is about understanding your unique circumstances, needs, and goals. Then, you use this information to develop a retirement plan that is tailored specifically for you.  At SGL Financial, we approach wealth creation and preservation differently than other retirement planning firms. First of all, we have a deep understanding of retirement planning. And, rather than give you […]

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Retirement Planning: Getting Your Financial “Ducks” In a Row

Posted Fri Sep 01, 2023

“Get your ducks in a row” is an old expression about becoming more organized to ensure your affairs or matters are in order before proceeding with a task or project. Or, in the case of your retirement years, getting your affairs for the rest of your life. What could be more important than that?   Planning for retirement is essential. You’ve spent years or decades accumulating assets to provide a comfortable, secure lifestyle during your retirement years. Retiring without a comprehensive […]

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Should I Retire Abroad Or In a Retirement-Friendly State?

Posted Mon Aug 21, 2023

As the sun begins to set on your working years and the prospect of retirement draws increasingly near, a momentous decision awaits you: Should you retire abroad, exploring distant lands and new cultures, or choose the comfort of a retirement-friendly state in the United States?  Of course, this decision may be overridden by the desire to live near family, a particular climate, or necessary healthcare services. In this blog article, we will delve into key considerations for retirees when they […]

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Is Overestimating Your Healthcare Costs a Good Retirement Planning Strategy?

Posted Mon Aug 14, 2023

As you contemplate your retirement, one of the most important considerations is planning and preparing for potential healthcare costs late in life. Many of our readers may ask, “Why should I overestimate potential healthcare costs now, especially when I’m in good health?”  There are many ways to answer this question, which we’ll explore in this blog. As healthcare costs continue to rise, along with increased longevity, comprehensive retirement planning that includes healthcare expenses can greatly benefit your pursuit of a […]

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Retirement, Taxes, and Mortality – Three Unavoidable Certainties of Life

Posted Fri Aug 11, 2023

If you’re nearing retirement, you may be thinking about that vacation you’ve always planned for or not having to get up early on Monday mornings to head off for work.  You’ve worked hard most of your life, which should be celebrated. However, one of the frequently overlooked components of your retirement years is taxes.   As you migrate from earning an income to living off Social Security, retirement savings, and other income sources, you should ask yourself: does my retirement plan […]

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Are You Being Too Frugal During Your Early Retirement Years?

Posted Wed Jul 05, 2023

Have you ever found yourself tightly holding onto every extra dollar that finds its way into your bank account, even after reaching the comfortable early retirement stage? You’re not alone. Many pre-retirees and early retirees live much more frugal lifestyles than what is required in their early -retirements, even if their financial situation does not require that level of frugality.  While disciplined saving and budgeting are commendable, there comes a time when spending some money can add more quality to […]

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Planning Ahead: Deciding the Ideal Time for Your Retirement

Posted Mon Jun 26, 2023

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to retirement planning. The road leading to this significant life transition is as unique as the individuals journeying on it, and the choice of when to retire can often feel confusing and overwhelming. This is because, in essence, retirement isn’t just about choosing when to leave the workforce—it’s about deciding when to embark on an entirely new chapter of your life.  In our blog, “Planning Ahead: Deciding the Ideal Time for Your Retirement,” we’ll discuss […]

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How to Boost Your Savings & Investments with the Help of a CFP®

Posted Mon May 29, 2023

Are you struggling to manage your finances, save for the future, fund college educations for children, or plan a comfortable, secure retirement? You’re not alone. In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, navigating the complexities and choices of personal finance can be challenging. That’s where we come in!  A CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ (CFP®), like the one here at SGL Financial, is dedicated to helping individuals like you develop effective savings strategies, optimize investments, and create comprehensive financial plans to pursue future […]

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