The SGL Blog

Expect Lower Returns for Several Years

Posted Tue Jul 12, 2016

The recent market volatility from the Brexit decision by the UK is just the latest event to cause investors to worry about their portfolio’s. And while the markets rebounded fairly quickly the pattern of slight gain, stagnant, slight loss, slight gain, etc. continues. Worries about the economy in China, what will happen with the rest of the EU, our own political issues and sluggish economy, it seems to be a never ending cascade of poor news which keeps those nest […]

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Financial Fitness Tips

Posted Tue Jul 05, 2016

The word “gym” is a contraction of “gymnasium” derived from the ancient Greek word gymnasion. The ancient Greek gymnasiums were places where athletes trained for public games such as the Olympics. Now I know I just sounded like Gus Portokalos from “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”, but it’s true! People have been going to the gym for centuries upon centuries, working hard to be physically fit, the best and the number one contender of the people. It wasn’t until the […]

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The Kid’s Moved – Is It Time to Downsize?

Posted Mon Jun 13, 2016

There comes a time in most family’s lives when the kids are grown and hopefully, by then, the middle-aged “basement dwellers” have moved out. I say that with a smile, and a smile because if you have children, no matter how big of a headache they may have given you over the years, they will always be your babies. It’s in your nature as a parent to always continue to provide and be there for your children no matter what. […]

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Want a Dog? How Much it Will Really Cost You

Posted Fri Apr 15, 2016

The companionship of a four legged furry dog is one like no other. You walk into your home after a long day and there they are, tail-wagging, tongue hanging out and excited as ever to see you. If you’re a dog lover, you know the pride and joy of owning and raising a dog. But with that pride and joy comes the costs. For those of you looking to add a dog to your family, have you considered how much […]

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Fear Could Mean Failure

Posted Mon Apr 11, 2016

There’s an old saying – “Buy low and sell high”. Ironically, investors tend to do just the opposite – buying high and selling low. Why do we do that; and most especially, how can we avoid doing that now with the market lingering on the edge of a huge cliff? Since we are all human, we do what human’s do- act on emotional, rather than intellectual, drives. Let’s say you’re sitting at home and turn on the news. You hear […]

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Retire with Confidence

Posted Mon Apr 11, 2016

Everyone wants to retire with financial security. Yet, recent studies have shown that only 47% of women and 57% of men are saving for retirement. In light of the fact that the single greatest fear in retirement is running out of money, things do not bode well of pre-retirees today. In fact, the Center for Retirement Research has found that more than half of all working households are at risk of being unable to keep up their standard of living […]

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Surviving Spouse: First 5 Things to Do

Posted Fri Apr 01, 2016

Losing a spouse is one of the most difficult times in a person’s life. When you’ve lost your loved one, you’re flooded with emotions that can make tasks like managing financial obligations seem almost impossible. Admittedly, this is a tough topic to discuss but an equally important one. The last thing anyone wants to think about is their spouse passing away but when you’re faced with handling the responsibility of managing those obligations, at the time of their passing, you […]

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The Happiness Equation

Posted Fri Apr 01, 2016

There are few better feelings than the one that results from setting a goal, creating plan, seeing it through and accomplishing what you set out to do. Even the accomplishment of small goals give a sense of great satisfaction. The fact is that we as human beings love to get things done and to make our dreams come true. Allowing yourself to freely open up your mind, set your sights on your dreams and desires and see them through is […]

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5 Ways to Travel for Less

Posted Wed Mar 30, 2016

The end is near! Winter is almost over and you can feel spring just around the corner. And, as winter fades, ideas of travel and vacationing come to the fore. After all, you’ve spent the ‘dark period’ of winter hard at work in your business or at home, and now it’s time for some special time to take in the sunshine and light. Whether you’re planning a family road trip or talking to your travel agent in preparation for that […]

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